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News & Notes

Upcoming deadline for potential G20-related legal action

Reminder: if you have a potential claim or legal action against the police arising out of the G20, there is a two year statute of limitations period which is quickly approaching. Generally speaking, any legal claims must be initiated within two years of the date upon which the acts complained of took place, otherwise the claim may be out of time. We also write to let you know that we may have documentation and/or witnesses to assist you with your claim. If you are bringing a claim against police or other state agents arising out… Read More »Upcoming deadline for potential G20-related legal action

A Statement of Support for G20 Defendants from the Movement Defence Committee (MDC)

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We write to express our ongoing support and solidarity for the G20 defendants. We support the decision of the G20 defendants to enter into a plea agreement with the Crown. We also wish to express our deep sadness and dismay that key community organizers will be serving potentially lengthy jail sentences. As lawyers, law students and legal workers who work with and support social movements, we recognize that there may be limited opportunities for victories before the courts. Both historically and in the present, the legal system, including criminal charges against activists, have often been… Read More »A Statement of Support for G20 Defendants from the Movement Defence Committee (MDC)

Legal Support for Occupy Toronto

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The MDC is providing legal support on an ongiong basis for Occupy Toronto. If you’ve been ARRESTED at Occupy Toronto or have witnessed an ARREST, please call 416-833-6137 or TTY: 416-619-0422. If you receive a TICKET during Occupy Toronto, folow the instructions on the back of the tickets and choose the TRIAL OPTION. Feel free to send us an e-mail using the Contact Us page to report your ticket. If there is sufficient interest we will conduct a workshop on how to fight your ticket. Stay tuned for for updates on continuing Legal Support.

Communique to activists: legal

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Dear movement, 2 weeks to go!!! We are so inspired by the work that we’ve seen coming from your organizing efforts. We’re excited to be able to offer our solidarity, and support in any way we can. We want to share with you some of the preparation that we have been doing, and also, share some of the information that we have been receiving so that we can take care of each other, and ensure that everyone stays as safe as possible. First, the warnings and advice: 1. VEHICLES: People are being pulled over in… Read More »Communique to activists: legal

US/Canada Legal Primer

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The following is for informational purposes only. This is NOT legal advice. Brought to you by the MDC via the late great NYC People’s Law Collective and Common Front Legal Committee Basics US: The People v. Scott = Canada: R. v. Scott (R. = Regina, a.k.a the Queen) District Attorney = Crown Attorney (commonly referred to as ‘the Crown’) Criminal law is federal and uniform across Canada (set out in the Criminal Code mainly, also the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Youth Criminal Justice Act), although courts are administered by the provinces and… Read More »US/Canada Legal Primer

Information for Parents during the G20 Convergence in Toronto

Bringing your child to an event/action can be a positive experience for both you and your child, as a first example (or a reminder) of the value of and possibilities for collective action. There are, however, particular concerns about bringing your child to an event/action. It may be that police will target parents with children, especially at high-risk actions. Although this is VERY UNLIKELY, you might want to be prepared. IF YOU ARE ARRESTED AT AN EVENT/ACTION WITH YOUR CHILD If you are arrested at an event while you are with your child, the police… Read More »Information for Parents during the G20 Convergence in Toronto

Legal and Border Info for US Visitors (WRT the G20)

The following is for informational purposes only. This is NOT legal advice. An Invitation The G8 (Group of 8) and G20 (Group of 20) leaders are meeting in Ontario from June 25-27, 2010. Toronto-based communities and organizations of women, people of colour, indigenous peoples, the poor, the working class, queer and trans people and disabled people are organizing a people’s convergence of actions, marches, workshops and meetings in Toronto at that time. The G8 and G20 are meeting to make decisions that will result in more exploitation of people and the environment. These summits will… Read More »Legal and Border Info for US Visitors (WRT the G20)

Que faire si la police cogne à la porte?

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Info pour les organisatrices/teurs et participant-e-s aux mobilisations anti-G8/20 Si la police vous questionne ou fouille Vous n’avez pas à vous identifiez à moins d’être en état d’arrestation (sauf si vous conduisez un véhicule motorisé) et vous n’avez pas à répondre à aucune question. Demandez simplement si les policier-e-s ont un mandat; si ce n’est pas le cas, dites-leur que vous n’allez pas leur parler. Souvenez-vous que tout ce que vous pouvez dire pourra être utilisé contre vous, même à un autre moment. De plus, bien qu’elles/ils puissent se présenter comme voulant aider au bon… Read More »Que faire si la police cogne à la porte?

What to do if the police come knockin’

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Developed by the Movement Defence Committee andthe Summit Legal Project of the Law Union on Ontario Movement Defence Committee Legal Numbers: Up to June 18th if you are arrested or approached by police: 416 833 6137 June 18th and afterwards: 1. If you are arrested or see someone arrested: 416 273 6761 2. If you want to know about someone who was arrested 416-273-6781 3. If you are deaf or hard of hearing: 416 531 0060 If the police question or search you: – You do not have to identify yourself unless under you are… Read More »What to do if the police come knockin’