Information Security at Protests: A Refresher
Nothing is a hundred percent foolproof, but you can at least make it more trouble to access your information than that information is worth.
Nothing is a hundred percent foolproof, but you can at least make it more trouble to access your information than that information is worth.
This week on Reactions, we’re taking a look at what’s in these little canisters and why it inflicts so much pain. And for those times when you accidentally spray yourself, we’ll also give you some tips on what to do. Reactions is a video series… Read More »Bonus: American Chemical Society explains pepper spray.
Like the post on tear gas, you’re going to want to read the full article to get the full explanation and details, but here are some key details.
You’re going to want to read the full article to get the full explanation and details, but here are some key details. From the Popular Science article: Contrary to its name, CS gas—the technical name for tear gas—is actually a crystalline powder that is converted… Read More »What to do if you’re exposed to tear gas (Advice from Popular Science Magazine)
Bringing your child to an event/action can be a positive experience for both you and your child, as a first example (or a reminder) of the value of and possibilities for collective action.
This guide is intended to provide you with an overview of your rights when dealing with the police. Knowing your basic rights and the common charges that are leveled against protesters can help you in your interactions with the police.